CoHousing|Berlin für gemeinschaftliches Bauen und Wohnen

Roadmapping a Viable Community-Led Housing Sector for Ireland # 2 POLICY

This is the second of five Handbooks from a series researched and published by Self-Organised Achitecture (SOA) in Ireland. The series is free to download and read, and aims at being an introduction to the topics of community-led housing, breaking down various components and processes. 
The second Handbook, POLICY , is intended as a summary of the policy context which supports CLH in countries such as the UK, Germany, Belgium and France. The handbook recommends policy initiatives to support the sector in Ireland and is addressed to Irish policymakers.
This publication series is the result of a 12-month multi-stakeholder research project to inform and support the establishment of a Community-Led Housing (CLH) infrastructure in Ireland.
The research is intended to explain the concept, and to inform policy decisions which can facilitate a broad variety of approaches to CLH. The handbooks identify current financial and legal roadblocks and suggest measures to address these. Recommendations are founded on comprehensive research of supportive policy for Community-Led Housing in the EU and the UK which empower communities to develop solutions addressing their particular housing needs.
You can learn more about the project by visiting the SOA website