CoHousing|Berlin for Cooperative Building and Living

Social*Ecological Co*Housing

Increasing Quality of Life. Improving Energy Efficiency. Decreasing Consumption.

Efficiency meets Sufficiency and related Synergies:
The Center for Metropolitan Innovation, Nová Cvernovka in Bratislava, Slovakia, and other European Model Projects
Authors: id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability in Berlin:
Michael LaFond, Giulia Carones, Daisy Charlesworth, Alexander Behm
April, 2021
This report summarizes id22’s findings and recommendations in the context of the Center for Metropolitan Innovation, Nová Cvernovka in Bratislava project, especially regarding the development of a social-ecological cohousing concept. 

Nová Cvernovka is recognized as a center for experimental culture and increasingly for sustainable urban (re)development. With the Center for Metropolitan Innovation (CMI BA) project, a Social-Ecological perspective is being applied. This involves advancing practices of Community and CoHousing as well as Environmental Technologies and Architecture to power a social, ecological and sustainable development. Nová Cvernovka is emerging as a model where synergies are practiced and demonstrated among social interests such as communication and affordability and ecological interests such as resource conservation and building greening. To support this, research has been done into relevant projects. This is hoped to provide inspiration and a range of options which can be combined in order to maximize synergies and support transformational prototypes, bringing together for example, sufficiency and efficiency. 